Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Furtilizer™ - LivingSoil.org

Looking for an organic fertilizer that works? This stuff really does! I have personally used the fertilizer. I did an experiment on lemon balm with it. The lemon balm without had thin stems and light green leaves. The lemon balm with the Fertilizer had thick stems, strong aromatic flavor, thick lush leaves. Here is a little about the Fertilizer. Contact information to buy this great stuff is at the end of the article.

 Put the green back into your thumb with the help of Furtilizer. This Fertilizer is a 100% organic soil enhancer, a unique, concentrated, liquid plant fertilizer guaranteed to keep your plants healthy and green or your money back. Stop pouring chemicals on your plants and turn ordinary dirt into "living soil" with the natural goodness of rabbit poop. Contact Mark in Estancia, New Mexico, to purchase Furtilizer™ organic soil enhancer and plant that’s guaranteed to work.

   This Fertilizer is a plant food that becomes part of what our soil is supposed to be... Full of Life. Life comes from life and therefore Furtilizer™ is most likely the best and ONLY Amendment for vegetables and other plants that you grow. Don't be fooled, Furtilizer™ may seem low in N-P-K when compared with synthetic fertilizers, but because of the way Furtilizer™ is formulated and the unique blend of natural micro and macro nutrients found only in this fertilizer the 4-3-2 N-P-K level of Furtilizer will outperform fertilizers with a much higher N-P-K- level. 

     Hey gardeners, it's that time of year to get "growing" so try Furtilizer™, a life giving soil that will revitalize your soil, no matter what condition it is in! Mark tried this product for two growing seasons prior to becoming a manufacture representative, so he know for a fact that is works! With 30 years of experience as a grower, Mark knows what works and what does not! He guarantees that this product will work for you… or your money back!
The Furtilizer Story
A Natural "Holistic" Plant Food

Furtilizer™ is a complete, "pro-biotic" organic liquid plant food, specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of all plants. Made from the rich goodness of pure rabbit droppings, it provides plants with the standard nutrients found in all fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), but it does more ... a lot more.

Your Plants Need Living Soil, Not Just Dirt
Any commercial fertilizer can make plants grow, but you get caught in a never ending dead end cycle. If you stop fertilizing, your plants will show signs of impaired growth. They may not immediately shrivel up and die, but they will not flourish. Roots will not grow big and strong, budding will be inhibited, blossoms will not be big and vibrant, and fruits and vegetables will be scrawny, meager, and will not taste fresh and crisp. Furtilizer™ is different ... it is a complete food, reconditioning the soil itself.

infuses plants with natural growth nutrients, turning ordinary dirt into living soil.

After supplying plants with a full spectrum of natural macro and micro nutrients, the unique synergistic soil enhancing properties of FurtilizerTM  go to work. Natural soil microbial activity is increased, soil nutrient exchange capacity is expanded, nutrient retention is enhanced, and botanical photosynthesis capacity increases. Quietly, Furtilizer™ builds the kind of soil that can sustain robust plant life without massive and never-ending doses of environmentally harmful fertilizer. Your dirt turns into rich, living soil!
We constantly strive to improve our products, and we invite your comments. Let us know just how Furtilizer TM has performed for your plants. We especially enjoy receiving before and after photos of scrawny plants revived with Furtilizer TM!

People keep asking us:
"How do you make this great stuff?"
Naturally, when a unique new product works as well as FurtllizerTM, people want to know everything about it, including how it's made. Of course, we can't divulge the exact recipe or process, but we can give enough information to show you we take this business seriously ... perhaps a little too seriously!
Someday you might even encounter someone who claims to have a natural plant food derived from the goodness of rabbit droppings. Rest assured, whatever they have it's not FurtilizerTM  We invented the process development, and we are the only company with the technical knowledge to make the best natural rabbit-based plant food. 


Rabbits are Lagomorphs, and they eat copious quantities of green foliage, grains, bark, and other vegetable matter. What goes in must come out! That's pretty simple, but it means that our first concern is controlling what goes into our rabbits in the first place.
Most domestic rabbits are fed commercial rabbit pellets that contain ingredients to make rabbits grow faster and build bone quickly. This is great if you are raising rabbits for meat, fur, or pets, but it has terrible consequences if you are making a concentrated liquid plant food from rabbit droppings. Rabbit pellet feed typically contains molasses, salt, chlorine chloride, artificial flavors, and many other things you probably don't want on your plants in a concentrated form.
As we discovered, manufacturing a quality liquid plant food from the natural goodness of rabbit droppings requires extensive feed research, specially formulated feed, a controlling feeding schedule, and innovative technology.
Quality Control
One challenge we faced was finding a way to collect rabbit droppings before they become contaminated by urine, dirt, and other undesirable substances. Simply allowing dropping to fall to the ground or into a pan is unacceptable, because it causes degradation of the plant food source. Through trial and error, we developed a system to collect the droppings before they become contaminated.
It's The Water!

All liquid plant food contains water. If that water isn't pure, the plant food is compromised. Government "experts" tell us that tap water is safe. But why do so many people buy bottle water, or use additional filters? We feel that average tap water is simply not suitable for a quality liquid plant food. Do you really want to pour chlorine, trace metals, and who knows what on your precious plants? We use only pure Willamette Valley spring water to make
New Technology
Since we pioneered this business, we had to invent our own technology. A major challenge was to find a way to destroy potentially harmful bacteria, naturally found in rabbit droppings, without also destroying the beneficial natural micro-nutrients. Sterilization is easy, but it sacrifices too much for FurtilizerTM.
We solar "bake" the rabbit droppings used in making FurtilizerTM at predetermined temperatures for precise times, not only to neutralize potentially harmful bacteria, but to also remove offensive odors. The rabbit droppings are then pulverized into a fine powder, and filtered through an almost never-ending series of metal, nylon, and natural fiber meshes.
After much time and effort, we invented an ingenious hot-and-cold emulsification process that "pulls out" the beneficial micro-growth nutrients from the powder. This is followed with a labor-intensive 12 step "drip" process to liquefy these essential growth nutrients. From this we create a super-concentrated formula that is so powerful it will burn plants if it is not precisely diluted. However, once correctly diluted, this concentrate becomes a potent natural plant food so mild, that you can use it on your most delicate seedlings!
The FurtilizerTM manufacturing process literally goes on and on. But you can see from the information, we can reveal that the manufacturing process is precise and innovative. It is more complicated and labor intensive than most people would ever imagine. We leave nothing to chance. We don't brew in behemoth vats and stockpile in dingy warehouses. Each bottle of FurtilizerTM is freshly brewed and bottled by hand the old fashioned way ... one bottle at a time. To help save our precious natural resources, we use bottles made only from recycled plastics. There is simply no other way of doing it right. And, there is no other product like FurtilizerTM!
Helps Plants Grow the Natural Way!
This potent natural plant food seeks out the microscopic roots of plants and saturates them with a profusion of essential macro and micro growth nutrients. It works well on all plants ... everything from tulips to turnips! Each drop is a storehouse of natural botanical vitamins.
FurtilizerTM helps your plants do what they are naturally meant to do: grow and grow and grow!
 Natural, Non-Toxic, Biodegradable, Inexpensive:
FurtilizerTM Works On All Plants:

House plants of all types!

Vegetables and flowers!

Bushes, shrubs, all outdoor plants!

Even works great on lawns!

Superior Organic Plant Food
FurtilizerTM is the potent natural plant food made from the organic richness of rabbit droppings. Just four ounces of this super-potent concentrate makes more than 20 gallons of nutrient-providing, soil enhancing goodness. FurtilizerTM works on all plants, works on all plants from turnips to tulips, but more important, FurtilizerTM works on all of your plants. Give it a try today!
For More information contact-
Mark DeBarbieri
P.O. Box 647
Estancia, New Mexico 87016
Email: mrrowley72@hotmail.com
Phone: 1-505-238-1819

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