Sunday, April 11, 2010

As the Herbalist: What should you do when a dog is having a heart attack?

Getting to a vet before it is too late is almost impossible if you dog is in the middle of a heart attack.

Anything can be harmful if not given in proper amounts... however, Cayenne Pepper is actually beneficial to dogs when administered properly.

Cayenne Pepper:

Perhaps the greatest natural stimulant known, Cayenne has been called the single greatest "driver" of other herbs. No other herb is quite in this class making it a must for all formulas. Simply said, when you need to get an herb to any location in the body cayenne reins supreme. The uses of cayenne are so numerous that it has been claimed "the single greatest herb." Some of the common uses are anal problems (to include hemorrhoids), heart attack, toothache, external bleeding, diphtheria, all sorts of eye conditions, wounds of all types, clearing the mucous membranes etc.


To humans, cayenne has been used to stop a heart attack in less than 30 seconds!!!


Heart attacks occur in dogs for much the same reasons as they do in human beings. Old age, obesity and diabetic conditions are contributory factors but heart attacks can strike due to many other medical conditions.

When Dogs have a Heartattack the animal experiences pain in his fore limbs and shows it by stretching his arms. The dog also tries to crane and stretch his neck sideways. Dog Heart Symptoms to look out for are apparent difficulties in breathing, sweating and signs of unconsciousness like drowsy eyes. The moment these Dog Heart Attack Symptoms are noticed it may be prudent to remove any leash on the dog and try and talk to the dog out of his uneasiness with the aim of making him more receptive to instructions. This also helps should the dog be slipping into a comatose condition. No water or other liquids should be administered to the dog in this condition. In inclement weather such dogs must be kept warm. A veterinarian must be called or an ambulance summoned so that the Dog having the Heart Attack is evacuated to an animal hospital without delay. Until the doctor or ambulance arrives, first aid for resuscitation must be initiated much the same way as it is done in human beings.

Dog Heartattacks Symptoms also occur due to a variety of cardiac and pulmonary disorders. Most of these medical problems can be set right if they are detected soon enough. So if your dog is in the high risk zone of obesity and old age you must look out for the symptoms.

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